Source 2 VS... Source 2?

重點是,他們也跟上了UnrealEngine4的免費提供做法,直接將這個新推出的遊戲引擎免費提供,大幅降低遊戲開發的門檻,期待能激發出創作者的生產力,帶來更多 ...,Source2isa3DvideogameenginedevelopedbyValveasasuccessortoSource.Introducedin2015,itisusedinDota2...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Valve 將免費奉上新推出的Source 2 遊戲引擎

重點是,他們也跟上了Unreal Engine 4 的免費提供做法,直接將這個新推出的遊戲引擎免費提供,大幅降低遊戲開發的門檻,期待能激發出創作者的生產力,帶來更多 ...

Source 2

Source 2 is a 3D video game engine developed by Valve as a successor to Source. Introduced in 2015, it is used in Dota 2, SteamVR Home, Half-Life: Alyx, ... Source 2 Documentation · Id Tech 2 · Valve Hammer Editor (Source... · S&bo

Source 2

Source 2 is a video game engine developed by Valve. The engine was announced in 2015 as the successor to the original Source engine, with the first game to ...

【心得】Source 2 改版前瞻@戰慄時空之絕對武力( CS ) 哈啦板

以Dota 2 來說,Source 2 引擎降低了操作輸入延遲、優化了效能表現、實現了無縫讀取、減少了卡頓等等;而以CS:GO 來說,除了讀取時間這種一般性的改良之外,我 ...

Source 2 | Half-Life Wiki

Source 2 is a video game engine developed by Valve as the successor to the original Source engine. The engine was announced in 2015, with the first game to ...

Source 2 Viewer & Decompiler

Source 2 Viewer is a powerful tool that allows you to browse VPK archives, view, extract, and decompile Source 2 assets, including maps, models, materials, ...

So whatever happened to the public version of Source Engine 2?

Source 2 isn't openly available yet because it's still in development. They only just replaced Havok with their own internal physics engine in ...


Source是一個三維的遊戲引擎,在2004年由Valve公司開發,作為GoldSrc引擎的後繼,提供算繪、音效、動畫、抗鋸齒、介面、網路、美工創意和物理類比方面的支援。 ... 使用這個引擎 ...


重點是,他們也跟上了UnrealEngine4的免費提供做法,直接將這個新推出的遊戲引擎免費提供,大幅降低遊戲開發的門檻,期待能激發出創作者的生產力,帶來更多 ...,Source2isa3DvideogameenginedevelopedbyValveasasuccessortoSource.Introducedin2015,itisusedinDota2,SteamVRHome,Half-Life:Alyx, ...Source2Documentation·IdTech2·ValveHammerEditor(Source...·S&bo,Source2isavideogameenginedevelopedbyValve.Theenginew...